Swim Instructor Kids L1 & 2

This program is divided into two levels:

  1. L1: teaching beginner swimmers aged 3-15, includes SSI levels:
    1. Aquatike I, II & III
    2. Preschool Beginner & Advanced
    3. Beginner I, II & III
  2. L2: teaching intermediate to advanced swimmers aged 5-17, includes SSI levels:
    1. Intermediate I & II
    2. Advanced I & II


This program equips you to teach beginning swimmers aged 3-15. It includes advanced water safety training, as well as all the material pertaining to the levels from Aquatike I up to Beginner III. This level takes you through how to teach the basic mechanics of freestyle so that your students can start moving through the water.


This program upgrades your teaching skills with more strokes, including both recreational and competitive breaststroke, backstroke and butterfly. You will learn to work with more skilled swimmers, focusing on technique and stroke correction. Each stroke will be broken down in detail so that you can teach drills to improve students’ proficiency. You will also learn to structure lessons in a more goal-oriented manner, while still making swimming enjoyable for youth.


The curriculum includes:

  • ?

Swim Instructor L1 is taught over 4 days for a total of 20-24 hours training time, plus a minimum of 12 hours of apprenticeship.

Swim Instructor L2 is also taught over 4 days for a total of 20-24 hours training time, plus a minimum of 12 hours of apprenticeship.

L1 Prerequisites:

  • 100 meters head up front crawl
  • 25 meters front crawl​
  • 25 meters elemental back
  • 2 meters underwater dive

L2 Prerequisites:

  • 25 meters Individual medley
  • Level 1 swim teacher


L1: $599

L2: $580

*any testimonials?*


You’ll always be in demand

Once you are able to teach and train kids, your horizons as a swim instructor expand considerably. You can start teaching private lessons, or take on group swimming lessons in your neigbourhood, and even partner with schools or other institutions. There are always kids needing to learn to swim, so you’ll never be out of business.

Learn everything you need to know

Our L1&2 program is truly comprehensive, covering all 4 strokes and a wide age and ability range of students. Once you complete this program, you’ll have confidence to work with pretty much all the kids out there, and you’ll always have value to add to any swim meet, event or school.

If you’re ready to become a certified kids’ swim coach—join us for our next L1&2 Swim Instructor training. Enter your details below to be kept informed of when this program will happen next.

Any questions? Reach out to us and we’ll be happy to clarify.